The first online casinos ever were established in the mid nineties. This was the first instance of a permit being granted for an online casino. It were the island states Antigua and Barbuda that gave the permit for online gambling and this is how the first online casino in the Netherlands came into existence. Looking back into history there are three front runners online casinos that have been around the longest: The Gaming Club Casino, Intertops Casino and InterCasino are seen as the first online casinos ever. How online casinos came to be in the Netherlands is a different story! We hope with this article to shed some light into how casinos in the Netherlands have flourished over the years.
Online casinos in the Netherlands

The first ever casino in the Netherlands was in Zandvoort. This casino was established in 1976 even though neighboring countries had gone before a hundred years early with legalizing gambling. There was only one entrepreneur that got the gambling permit in the Netherlands and that is why the Holland Casino branch is the only casino branch in the Netherlands that can legally exploit gambling in their current fourteen establishments. This does not mean that you cannot gamble elsewhere. Holland Casino only has a monopoly on real time gambling where a dealer and a player are seated in front of one another in games of roulette, poker and black jack. Other casinos and small restaurant establishments are exploiting gambling with gambling machines and slot machines.
However, the Netherlands was falling behind with the gambling industry and the first online casino appeared ten years after the first online casinos were created. We are well into the twenty-first century here and after this success a lot more online casinos followed suit.
For the Dutchmen the online casinos were perfect. They were specifically catered to the Dutch person with the Dutch language being applied in game and dutch gambling games. Payment methods were also more compatible for Dutch people and they could easily buy and play with the valuta they had acquired in game. However, that is not where it stopped. The online casinos in the Netherlands were such a success that they were also able to offer customer service in Dutch (with obviously Dutch people in employment Most of these online casinos were operated from Malta, however because the casinos took into consideration the ´Dutch soberness´ it became popular quickly.